Different Popular Payment Models in SEO Industry


SEO companies. A lot has been written about them. Many of them spoke about the parameters on which to judge them. Most of these blogs are accurate and trustworthy. However, not many of these blogs actually spoke about a very important factor. How do you pay to these companies? No, we are not talking about the channel, it can be anything of your choice. We mean the payment model.

One certain SEO company in Bangkok would ask for the complete payment up front. They will show reasons like, what if the client doesn’t pay after a whole month’s hard work. There has been such cases and frequently as well. Frankly, the SEO agencies are not Fortune 500 candidates nor are the most of the clients. Thus, many a times, the client didn’t think about the reputation and stopped the payment. Unless the agency is of very high reputation, do not agree for this.

Some other agencies would ask for a payment at the end of the month. While this sounds a nice agreement, you must know that these agencies tend to charge more. This is nothing to frown at because they are simply adding the risk charges. Moreover, you should know that whatever the result of the campaign is, you are liable to pay at the end of the month.

If that sounds illogical to you, there is performance based payments. In this model, you pay only when a certain promised result has been achieved.

Choose Your Next SEO Company Using These Points


SEO companies can promote our websites online and they offer a great range of services. Before hiring the SEO agency you have chosen, have you judged them on these three points?

Comprehensive Service: the SEO agency should be willing to do everything for you, including but not limited to keyword research, content writing, search engine submission, link building, directory submission, social media marketing, email marketing, pay per click campaigns and more. This will give you an advantage of choosing the exact elements you want for your SEO campaign, without going to another provider.

Recommendation: You should always check what the other people are saying about the SEO Company you are planning to hire. Try to find the testimonials and client feedback for this company. This will give you an idea of how affordable and efficient this SEO Company really is. You should read about pricing, packages, customer care service and performance.

Service Scalability: Some companies force the clients to buy their services as a while and doesn’t allow choosing the services singularly. This means it all or nothing for you, either you take the complete package or look for another SEO company.

A decent SEO services in Bangkok, on the other hand, would be more willing to design you a package which you need. You can choose only those campaigns which you need and which are beneficial for you. IN other words, service range personalisation is always important, especially when the budget is limited.

Importance of Link Building in SEO


Yes, every blog on SEO in Thailand you read told you how important the links are for your website to rank. However, very few explained to you exactly what happens when you have links and why they are important. Let us explain.

Google is constantly searching the internet for content and noting them in their database. While going through the contents on the internet, they also encounter links. They follow these links and check out the contents of these links as well.

Now, suppose you sell shoes online and your website is all about shoes. Also suppose that there is a very prominent discussion board on a website, dedicated to leather shoes, where your link is mentioned. Google can understand the theme of a website by the general content it publishes and thus, it knows the discussion forum is more or less an authority on shoes. Now, in real life, if an expert names you, in a discussion as a reference, would interested people take note of it or not? Same happens on the internet with Google. When it sees that an authority site is naming you (linking you, in this case) it will take note of you, regarding shoes. It will increase your ranking because knowledgeable people cite you in their discussions.

Till now, we discussed the importance of quality links in SEO ranking. Now, your competitors are also trying their best to get mentions here and there. Thus, the quantity of the link comes in. That would be our next blog.

Spot Unreliable SEO Companies Easily In This Way

CjXHnz4UoAA8QDYEvery website owner needs SEO else the website is as good as a dead bat. If there is no visitor to the website, the purpose, whatever it might be, isn’t served. So, we need SEO, or the variations of it like SMO or PPC and other, for a successful website.

Now SEO is a tricky proposition and a completely new skill for people who don’t know about it. Either you can invest time, effort and money to learn or you can hand the duties over to a professional company and spend your time, effort and money on more profitable things.

Those being said, the question arises, how to select a company who can provide excellent SEO services? There is one thing which tells you of an unreliable SEO company.

Any company who does SEO in Thailand would tell you how capable they are but some of those would simply go beyond the realm of credibility. When a SEO company promises you the top spot for all your keywords within a few weeks, there are two possibilities, either they are lying or they are planning to use forbidden techniques on your website.

Now, both of these are dangerous but the latter is probably more dangerous. In the first case, your website might languish where it is when the SEO starts. But if forbidden techniques are used, your website runs severe risk of Google penalty in which case, you might need to say final goodbye to your website.

Evolve With The Industry or Move On


2017 is here but many companies can’t simply get out of their habit of how they did SEO in 2010. That is the major reason why most of the SEO companies die silently or keep coming up with different identities after messing up at the first go. SEO has changed a lot and the successful players are those who adjusted and evolved with time. Hey, even Matt Cutts is not there anymore. Move on!

The major change in approach is how SEO has changed from a quantitative approach to a qualitative approach. For example, SEO companies used to count how many links they have created for a client as a metric of their success and yes, it worked, but in 2010. In 2017, a SEO company in Bangkok should ask themselves, how many quality links they have created and even how many bad links they have removed for the client!

This change in approach is needed and it should be a top down lesson. The CEO of the company must assimilate it and should drill it down to the lowest level of SEO executives so they realise what their ultimate aim is, how their success would be measured as an employee.

We have been in this business for a long time to realise one thing, many people and experts can’t simply change fast enough and thus, when those Google updates come, they lose complete clue. This is a fast moving domain and one must either embrace it or find another profession.

Simple trick To Select The Best SEO Company


SEO companies are everywhere and all of them claim to have achieved miraculous results for their clients. How, then, you segregate the good ones from the average or the bad ones? The trick is so simple that you will laugh at it once I tell you. Open Google and search for SEO company in Bangkok if Bangkok is the locality where you need your SEO company. This can be where your office is and this can be another country where you can get cheaper rates, like India or Philippines. Now, those SEO companies who are ranking highly, have proven one thing and that is the most important consideration of selecting a SEO company and that is that they can rank, as you can see them rank, and that too for a very competitive keyword. Trust us when we say SEO itself is the most fiercely fought for keyword, only for this purpose. Now, my point is, if they can rank themselves for such a competitive keyword, they can probably get your website ranked as well.

However, no matter how great they are, they are no magician nor they know the secret recipe of Google’s ranking algorithm. Once you trust them, trust them completely and give them time. Any good SEO company will ask for time and this time is needed. You can’t build the fifth floor of your mansion directly, you need to lay the foundation first. Be wary of any SEO company who is promising extraordinary results within a couple of weeks, either they are lying or they are planning to employ banned tricks.

App Store Optimisation: New Name of SEO in 2017

cjxhnz4uoaa8qdySEO services have been changing fast and some SEO services in Bangkok are still trying to make it work like it used to work in 2011. Things have changed and it is high time that we change our perspective of SEO. SEO has a much wider perspective now. For example, SEO now also includes ASO. What is ASO? How would it impact us? There are so many questions you might just want to ask us. We will answer you here, in brief.

ASO is App Store Optimisation. It is basically same with SEO. However, instead of promoting websites in Google search engine result page, we need to promote apps in Google play store. Technically, it is about promoting the app on any app store. Amazon, for example, has a very nice app store.

Anyway, promoting an app is different as Google Play store ranking criteria is even more closely guarded. However, people, especially the talented SEO guys have noticed a few trends.

Firstly, you can get the highly searched for keywords from Google keyword planner. Once you have the relevant keywords, you need to think of a name for your app. While you might have a name for your app ready, you might need to add some keywords to that name.

For example, you might want to call your eBook reader app, reedit.  However, if free eBook reader is a common and popular search term in play store, you might want to name your app, reedit- free eBook reader. Of course, for this, your app indeed needs to be free. Google would ban your app for misleading naming, otherwise.

SEO Companies Need To Change In 2017

12705712_1558740021103501_878995875951680410_nDid SEO change in 2016? That would be an interesting question to reflect on, in early 2017. As a leading SEO company in Thailand, we get to hear this question a lot, especially during the first quarter of every year. While we don’t have any answers like, “oh yes, now Google has added 12 more criteria for ranking”, we do reflect about the changes which took place in the last year.

Video marketing just became more important. Google has made great advancement in understanding video content, even without the subtitle and captions. Thus, your days of fooling Google with flimsy videos are numbered, if not over. We can see this from how Google can find you video even when the video caption or the description doesn’t have the keyword you have searched for. Keeping that in mind, probably Google bot can understand video than it previously could. You should be careful with what video you produce and share nowadays.

Secondly, we have also seen how mobile is becoming important and more people would love to use an app over a mobile version of the website. While you should not ignore the traffic to your mobile website, you should also create and optimise your app. The app would gain good popularity with proper ASO, App Store Optimisation.  While you should continue to work on your website, please work on your app as well as the computer user world is quickly becoming a mobile user world.

Customer Journey Mapping: Important SEO Aspect

13221640_1598730383771131_8140705340432113081_nAnalytics is used to understand user and visitor behaviour in a detailed way. Previously, there was no way of measuring customer interaction on the website. However, analytical tools like Google Analytics shows every touchpoint of the visitor. How they enter and interact with the website can be known from the data received from these data.

However, this hugely important data is ignored or, at least, not utilised properly, by most of the companies. In a survey, 50% of companies from Australia and New Zealand who use digital marketing, said that they have some understanding of customer journey and only one third has made any investment to improve the visitor interaction with the site.

This means, if you invest time, effort and money on understanding customer journey, you can stay ahead of the competition. Among some of the more tangible benefits, you can expect more efficient media budget allocation, better understanding of customer metrics including decreased time to conversion, better customer retention and better net promoter score.

With so many advantages of tracking customer journey, it is really astonishing that companies are not exploiting this data. Moreover, most of these data are easily available from Google Analytics by default and no special or advanced setting is to be done. It is not at all difficult to get this data.

While we can not expect every agency of digital marketing in Thailand to immediately plunge into this, we can expect them to at least take notice of this important metric in 2017.

Do You Find A Valid Reason To Hire SEO Services?

You would be wondering why despite all marketing effort, your website is still missing among the top ten result in search engine result pages. Stop thinking and start relying on the best SEO services that are offered by SEO company Thailand. The moment you explain them about your requirement you could relax as they would start working on your behalf. Well, not in just placing yourself in the top ranking, you should also get best likes for your website.

For the customers to like the website they should really feel comfortable in moving around the website and also should be able to find the product they are looking for with ease. This does show the importance that is to be given to the linking between different pages on the website. This could be taken care by the SEO company Thailand. Well, if you think everything is set now, then you are mistaken as you have to pay attention to the blogs that are linked with the website.

Also, you should be doing best link building so that you do not have to bother about the traffic that you get to the website. You could get these tasks also done by the same SEO services. Now that you have read about the SEO company Thailand services you would get more excited to know everything about them. Visiting the website would be the best option to know details about the package of services offered by the company.